583 Anita Baker – Rapture

In March of 1986 Anita Baker released her second studio album.

The record was a breakout success for the artist, signaling to the industry at large that there was still a significant market for adult/contemporary music.

Let’s talk Anita Baker, Rapture!


One response to “583 Anita Baker – Rapture”

  1. This isn’t music for music’s sake. This is just 33 minutes and 37 seconds of vaguely pleasant background noise for old people to fuck to. I feel like Robert Dimery just walked up to me and handed me a condom and lube and a scented candle and I said, “No thank you Robert Dimery. I do not need these items at this time as I am not about to engage in the physical act of love, rather, I am driving to Lowes to buy a shower arm” and Robert Dimery said, “That’s okay. Just hold this condom and lube and scented candle and – you know – appreciate their beauty as objects” and I said, “No, that’s weird. I don’t want to do that”, but here I am anyway, sitting in the Lowes parking lot listening to an aural geriatric erotic aid.

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